Connect ~ Collaborate ~ Create
Connect; verb (used with object)
1. to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind:
Connect with nature while you have time to spare.
Collaborate; verb (used without object), col·lab·o·rat·ed, col·lab·o·rat·ing.
1. to work, one with another; cooperate, as on a literary work:
Collaborate within your community and neighborhoods to enhance your surroundings.
Create; verb (used with object), cre·at·ed, cre·at·ing.
1. to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.
2. to evolve from one's own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.
Create something that makes a positive impact.
Connect ~ Collaborate ~ Create.
In honor of Memorial Day, my Dad and brother installed American Flags in their front yards. Once the neighbors got wind of this idea they inquired about installing more flags in more front yards throughout the neighborhood. Before you know it, half the houses in the neighborhood had installed their own American flag. It was amazing to witness the attraction of our American ideals and comradeship in action.
Many neighbors also commented on the multiple Tree Swallows and Bluebirds flying about in the neighborhood. This made me realize installing American flags in your front yard is the same concept as installing a Bluebird nestbox in your backyard. It’s meant to spark an emotion. An American flag sparks feelings of appreciation, commitment, bravery, and gratitude. While a Bluebird nestbox sparks feelings of joy, hospitality, happiness, and kindness towards Mother Nature. Both are ways to connect to the community around you and start a conversation with your neighbors.
Connections often lead to collaborating. Neighborhoods can be a perfect songbird habitat that allows the opportunity for families to come together to create their own Bluebird trail and Bluebird Experience. A nestbox in the backyard and American flag in the front yard is a simple way to involve a community.
Connect ~ Collaborate ~ Create.
These 3 “C’s” create such a beautiful sense of community which allows comfort to form. All your hard work is in fact comfort for you, our country and our songbirds.
It is proper to fly the U.S. flag every day, but over the next few months there are many holidays to fly yours a little higher; Flag Day, Father’s Day, and the Fourth of July.
In addition to celebrating our God given Country... Let's make every Wednesday for the remainder of summer a Bluebird Holiday. Bluebird Wednesdays will be for neighbors and communities to come together and celebrate nature in their own backyards.
Join us by getting your very own nestbox!
Visit Kristin Nelson at Wild Birds Unlimited in Frankfort, Kentucky
Build your own with these Bennett Bluebird Box instructions.
